Affordable Housing Investors Council

Introducing AHIC's Affiliate Membership Program 

Expanding Our Reach, Strengthening Our Community

As part of AHIC’s commitment to remain a leader in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) industry, we are excited to announce a major new initiative: the Affiliate Membership Program.

This new membership tier will expand AHIC’s reach by welcoming syndicators and brokers into the AHIC community as members. This program aims to foster greater collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing within the affordable housing ecosystem, all while ensuring that AHIC remains focused on its core mission of serving investors.

We believe this new initiative will strengthen our organization, expand our influence, and enhance the value we provide to our members while preserving the unique investor-focused community we've built.

Why Are We Introducing This Program?
The Affiliate Membership program change reflects the dynamic nature of our industry, where traditional roles of investors, syndicators, and other stakeholders have become increasingly blurred and interconnected. We are adapting to this reality to ensure AHIC remains relevant and effective for the next 30 years.

This initiative is part of a comprehensive plan to strengthen AHIC for the next 30 years, ensuring our continued relevance, financial stability, and ability to serve our core mission effectively. We believe this new initiative will: 

  • Strengthen our organization
  • Broaden our industry perspective
  • Facilitate more comprehensive discussions on key issues 
  • Enhance the value we provide to our members while preserving the unique investor-focused community we've built.

What Does This Mean for Investor Members? 
For our investor members, this program represents an opportunity to engage with a broader network of industry partners, creating new avenues for collaboration and strategic relationships. At the same time, investor-only events and leadership roles will remain exclusive, preserving the unique value that AHIC provides to you as a member.

What Does This Mean for Affiliate Members? 
While full details are still being finalized, Affiliate members can look forward to: 

  • Participating in select AHIC in-person and virtual events, including our now members-only Fall Summit 
  • Accessing to AHIC’s new and more robust online membership database 
  • Opportunities to contribute to high-level industry discussions and initiatives
  • Enhanced networking with AHIC investor members and other affiliates 
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