Chatham CERT (NC) HART Exercise

Chatham CERT assisted in an NC HART (Helo-Aquatic Rescue Team) exercise last weekend. What a great opportunity! Here are some notes from Chatham CERT member, Andy Foshee:

Exercise: Support NC-HART perform rescues on Jordan Lake over two days

Participants: Chatham CERT provided a Team Lead and two team members each day (9/23 & 9/24)

Location: Jordan Lake White Oak Beach & Pavilion

Tasks performed: Traffic control, escorting volunteer ‘victims’ from the beach drop-off to restaging area, event “go-fers”CERT was asked to be on hand and master traffic control to ensure only practice event participants entered the park area (which was still closed for Covid-19). After a 9am-ish muster and orientation, representatives from four counties divided into teams: victims (two lake locations); boat support (law enforcement, park staff, etc.); incident command; air teams (two state trooper helos); and recovery teams (on the beach). CERT staff was provided VIPER radios and quick training, and then was on site performing their duties until the event was called (CERT was scheduled through 16:00). Although the first day was bright and cool, it rained intermittently throughout day two.