How Norfolk Area Home Builders Association can assist members

The purpose of the Norfolk Area Home Builders Association is to allow builders, remodelers, and associated businesses, within the surrounding counties, to provide mutual advantage and cooperation. The Norfolk Area Home Builders Association collaborates with all fields related to the residential building industry, for the benefit of the industry as a whole, and to assist in the accomplishment of the mutual objectives of the National Association of Home Builders of the United States and the Nebraska Home Builders Association.

The Home Builders Association of the Norfolk Area represents the voice of home building industry.  Our approach to connecting area homeowners with top home and construction professionals includes a sharp focus on networking and education while giving back in the communities we serve. 

Through trusted affiliations with both National Association of Home Builders and the Home Builders Association of Nebraska, members of the Norfolk Area HBA also gain access to and representation by state and national lobbyists, as well as the most up todate legislative information. 

Click here to find a HBA Member. To learn more about the benefits of joining the Norfolk Area HBA and broadening both your reach and visibility as an HBA member, click here to download an application or contact us today.

  • Who we are

    Norfolk Area Home Builders Association is a federation of local home builders and associate members to support the home building industry.

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    What we do

    NAHB collaborates with all fields related to the residential building industry, for the benefit of the industry as a whole. 

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